Your go-to-guide for baby and child nutrition 

Hi, I am Christina Hills

A dietitian, nutritionist, and your go-to-guide for baby and child feeding 

I help parents to feel confident feeding their little ones and successfully nourishing them throughout the first year of life and beyond

Explore my workshops and check out my virtual clinic to see how I can help you on your way to raising little happy eaters

What’s on offer

The weaning workshop

Come and learn about starting solids from the comfort of your own home! Check here for upcoming dates 

1:1 consultations

My aim is to provide evidence-based and holistic nutrition + feeding support to new parents and growing families. I believe in empowering parents to make informed decisions about their baby or child’s feeding journey. Check out the clinic here


Come along and learn about all things baby development, nutrition and feeding in the first year of life and beyond! Check out the events page to see where I’ll be next

From the blog